Grocery store in Smolevichi

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All the projects we do are unique for us. We always try to find out the best solution which will allow an object to stand out. At the same time, it is very important to maintain edge between individuality of the object and surroundings harmony. Each building must fit into existing environment. Based on this condition, we design building throughout whole Belarus. This is our way to help cities transform little by little.

The client asked us to develop two projects: a grocery store and a public catering facility. The client received two neighboring land plots to construct new buildings. In order to save some money, the owner asked us to combine two projects and design new object as one building. That caused the fact, that we faced lots of legislative obstacles in work process. However, we successfully managed to get all the required approvals.

The new building is located in the residential area of Smolevichi near the public center. Surroundings area analyze showed us that a simple formed object will fit well to this territory. The outstanding façade geometry emphasizes the store’s entrance area. Also we added decorative elements which produce spectacular shadow effects on a façade. The new building revived existing surroundings, it became a vibrant center of public attraction. 

Project data:

Year: 2019

Floor area: 1200 м²

Customer: Голдпродмаркет

Our Team:

Architects: Yuri Samoilik, Denis Shevchenko, Olga Kolenkovskaya, Marta Kazarina, Olga Kraiko

Engineers: Anton Fedchenko, Anton Khamenok, Vladimir Bleshchik, Andrey Gaydukevich, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Veronika Kovalchuk