The main target for D18 project – was to create a unique house, which reflects ideological views of an active modern family. Courageous space-volumetric solution attracts everyone’s attention – the house’s geometry seems to be confidently cut from a simple parallelepiped. And at the same time, restrained appearance of a white house harmoniously matches to a generally light residential development. We organized a moderate land plot in a most appropriate way to save the most amount of land free from buildings – we wanted to save as much greens as possible. A compact ground floor contains technical, domestic and united kitchen-living premises. The ground floor compactness is compensated by increased square of the second floor. It is mostly filled with living rooms. Extended consoles provided the house with additional space as well as formed cozy awnings above entrances; they gave the building a special sense of charisma and made it recognizable. This decision is echoed by an outdoor terrace which unites living rooms of the second floor. On the third floor a multifunctional space is sited. On the opened part of terrace you can spend time chilling under warm sunshine rays. And when it is raining (or if you just want to be hidden from any view) you can move under a roof to spend time watching films like in a fresh air cinema - the house’s white walls can be used as a screen for a projector.
We developed architectural and planning decision taking into account each tiny detail. Thus each feature of the house, from amount of console extension till windows rhythm, - is a thought out step, which helped us to create a unique house with its own cozy atmosphere.
Project data:
Year: 2020
Floor area: 300 м²
Our Team:
Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Denis Repeko, Olga Kolenkovskaya, Elizaveta Augustinovich