NS store

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The project of this store includes a rather complex reconstruction. The construction site is located in the old developed quarter of Bobruisk (Dzerzhinsky street). The main criterion for the existing development is not orthogonality and crampedness, the presence of many underground engineering networks. To organize the main entrance to the projected building, we had a small space between two old buildings along Dzerzhinsky Street. The rest of the store seeped into the depths through the existing buildings. The bulk of the new building is sandwiched between three existing houses. On principle, we did not begin to adapt to the existing architecture and created a modern and bright, enticing entrance group. Through the large glass entrance, we see how the spacious trading floor of the new NS store is unfolding. From a small plot for construction, we managed to get a trading floor with an area of ​​400 м2.  

Project data:

Year: 2021

Area: 700 м²

Our Team:

Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Ekaterina Adonieva, Olga Kraiko, Denis Repeko