Public complex "NERES" in Vileyka (Reconstruction)

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общественные здания


Designing of the community center “Neres” supposes refurbishment of the existing cold-storage building (built at the beginning of the XX century; since 1939 till 1980-s it was used as a club, cinema theatre) with adding of flanks of new two-story annex. The existing building has a historical value for Vileyka city. That why special attention was paid to the exterior of the multi-purpose center. New volume organically merges with the existing one highlighting the importance and  high status of the old building. Design of the annex embraced main distinctive shape elements of the historical centerpiece. Main architectural and engineering solutions allowed the most viable use of the site and accomplishment of quite a big job on development of buffer zone of historical and cultural site (the old building).

Project data:

Year: 2015

Our Team:

Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Nadezhda Letova, Alexander Evseev

Engineers: Alexander Shevchenko, Vladimir Bleschik, Maria Geraseva, Anatoly Tapalsky, Ekaterina Marchenkova, Alexander Opekunov