Residential complex RODNOY

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Our main target for this project was to create friendly to people environment. To achieve this goal, our first step was to develop a non-transport yard territory. The courtyard is filled with many walking paths; their intersections divide territory into different functional areas. Each resident will be able to find an area of his own interest: sportsgrounds, quiet zones for relaxation, children playgrounds, zones for growing plants. The courtyard turned out to be bright and full of internal activities.

The picturesque courtyard echoes houses’ facades. Accented facades were chosen to form beautiful color composition from each possible viewing angle. We added images of letters and numbers on the façade – parents will be able to play educational games with their kids during a walk. They can come up with different games: to create words from letters, to find numbers in order, etc.

So, residential complex is created as opened and friendly to its residents. Comfort and safety living are the most important features we wanted to bring to this environment.

Project data:

Year: 2017

Our Team:

Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Olga Kraiko, Olga Kolenkovskaya