General concept of the shopping center facades modernization is the fusion of two volumes (the existing hypermarket and the three-stored shopping building in-project). The main idea of the facades is the division of total volumes of buildings into various-sized boxes – this adds to the facades’ surface special plastique and rhythm. The building then wouldn’t look like a long linear surface and the volume would gain structural and compositional development. All boxes have different size and texture. They shambolically scatter along the facade symbolizing shopping containers. Boxes of the facade create the association with a wide variety of goods in the shopping complex that attracts clients’ interest. Additionally between the elements (boxes) and inside of them are placed bright billboards containing information about promotional events and new goods. The two volumes (the hypermarket and the mall) are combined into one entire composition that seemed to be composed of metallic containers.
The new main entrance into the building is on the corner of the supermarket. It is the glass box situated under one of the metallic containers which at the same time is the canopy of the main entrance. The boxes are made of metallic cassettes colored in the company colors.
Project data:
Year: 2011
Customer: Evrotorg Ltd.
Our Team:
Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Julia Efimik