Residential complex "SALT"

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A new site is allocated in the city of Luban’. It is intended for the construction of a residential complex. One residentional building – the house №81 - is already constructed on this territory. After evaluating the result, it was decided to make radical adjustments. The project customers came to us to make changes in architectural appearance of three future houses and in the whole complex. But the project had one feature – it had to be done in an extremely lack of time.

Our search for solution began from a new concept creation. The idea was based on the form of potash salt – a beautiful fossil rock with impregnations of white and terracotta-color. The choice of potash salt is based on the main product of the Slavkalij company. This gamut became the whole project color code. We radically changed the facades color scheme. Modernized houses received simplified roof structure and new windows. Due to all these changes, the houses appearance became more restrained and at the same time colorful and impressive.

The next step was to improve the inner yard, but possible modifications were limited by existing development plan. The residential complex has its own private territory. This fact allowed us to design incredible areas for various activities: a skate park, playgrounds, sport areas, a basketball court and a couple of quiet recreation areas. We also created lots of small architectural forms for this project: bicycle boxes, benches, urns, boxes for garbage containers. An enormous amount of work was done within just a few days. Now we can confidently say that the project became definitely unique (and as we say in Russian – the “Salt” of the project was definitely found).

Project data:

Year: 2019

Customer: SK

Our Team:

Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Olga Kolenkovskaya, Elizabeth Avgustinovich, Ekaterina Adonyeva