Training ice arena

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We were asked to develop a façade concept for a new ice arena in the heart of Borisov city. It is located on the shore of a picturesque lake at the intersection of Gagarin Street and Regiment of Normandy-Neman Street. Most of the time the building will function as training arena, but there also would be an opportunity to transform inner space for other activities.

The concept of the building reflects its function. This is how the main idea was found out: like a snow dune, the main volume of the arena floats on a colorful main entrance and focuses maximum attention on it. A white volume with small structural patterns on the façade symbolizes the structure of snowflakes. Such a detailed façade solution helped us to revitalize a long straight volume of the building; as the viewer approaches the object, the façade elements allow him to consider more and more details. Façade lighting resembles the smallest ice floes sparkling in the sun. A warm inner light contrasts with cold façade lighting – that shows the visitor, that a warm welcome and lots of interesting activities await for him in the arena.

Project data:

Year: 2019

Floor area: 11000 м²

Our Team:

Architects: Denis Shevchenko, Yuri Samoilik, Olga Kolenkovskaya, Denis Repeko